I worked on this project this past semester for a Package Design class with the always amazing, critically acclaimed, Mr. Hazelrig. Great class. I learned quite a bit.
The assignment was extremely involved. I drafted the soap shape from foam, made a rubber mold, picked the scent, and poured the melted soap. Like I said, very involved.
My concept was for a soap set sold near Valentine's Day that would contain a men's soap and a women's soap. A gift pack... that ends up being a gift for both the gift purchaser, and the gift receiver (if you catch my drift). A little racy, but very classy at the same time. One soap is Adam, and the other Eve (hence the product name). The soap's scents are packed with "happy endorphins" known to be attractive to the opposite sex (hubba hubba, right?).
A last sidenote: I had a blister on my finger for two weeks due to cutting all those tiny little tear drop shapes out. Ouch!
wow! you have some really great design work. I'm impressed. May I ask where you went to school?
Thank you thank you! I'm heading into my senior year at Columbus College of Art & Design.
wow, this looks like a very luxurious pair of soaps. excellent work with the design, really love it :)
Landed here via The Dieline. :)
Great work!
Great work, just tweeted this.
One observation: Looks like both the soaps are identical in shape except for the 'a' and 'e' writing. It will be difficult to differentiate them after a few days of use. Well?
antzFx-- You're completely right! Since the assignment was actually only to create one bar of soap, I didn't get the chance to create two separate molds. After learning that, my next idea was to cast them in two different colors, but I was just unable to make that work well either. My brilliant idea to cast the women's soap in peach ended up looking like skin... kind of a creepy thing to be washing with!
Currently, the only thing differentiating them is the A, the E, and the scents. If I get the chance to go back and do this again some day, it absolutely would need to be fixed. As of now, I'm stumped! It was a tricky situation...
Thanks so much for checking my work out... and for the comments! Hope you come visit again sometime... :)
I love this idea and also how elegantly you have presented the packaging without going down the cliche adam and eve route! Inspiring :)
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