Lately, I've been thinking a lot about personal branding (business cards, website, etc). I'm not sure what to do with this idea, but I just had to get it out! I thought of it while I was falling asleep last night and decided I needed to do a quick mock up this morning. What do you think? Are you a fan of off beat business cards or do you think something more standard works best?
this is so cute and creative! I love the idea of off beat business cards. I think it's a better way to grab people's attention.
these are perfect for when you meet with a client and then something more standard for passing out on the fly. love the copper color with black + white!
I love out of the box business cards. I think they are memorable as long as they are not cheesy. Maybe it should be more like, "[Penny] for your business".
Cute idea!
I think it's a great idea. Not only does it show exceptional creativity, it also enforces why you would be great to work with. Further, I don't think it would thrown into the box of other random business cards and forgotten about.
Very clever.
You won't believe me if I say that I have a thing for business cards with creative and unique designs. I have a whole bag of business cards that I have collected over the past few years. An off beat business card always catches attention and stays with your client, even if it's in a bag ;)
i love this! i think off beat ideas are great. it's different that captures the eye!
I love this! Such a great idea... although, not sure how practical it is. Very cute nonetheless!
Love it! It's not the most practical business card, but it is fun and memorable!
totally awesome :) branding yourself is the hardest thing ever, especially for a graphic designer, ur idea is awesome :)
what an awesome/creative idea! definitely a great way to separate yourself from the crowd! thanks for stopping by my blog! i'm a fan of yours too!
i love it, i love it, i love it, i LOVE it.
DO IT! please!!!!
Off beat. I am in ministry, and I use very small and very colorfully, artistic cards, and people can't stop collecting them! It gets the word out, stands out, gives out. Go memorable or go home. Well done by you!
i think it's pure genius! i would hang on to your card forever.
pretty nice!!!
I like it!!! kar, kar, kar !!!
i love this card. but if you really want to have someone keep a card forever...have a photo portrait done and put it on your business card. i was in business for about 25 yrs and starting using photo cards almost right away. when i retired many of my clients said "do i have to throw away your card in my wallet?" there is something about a facial photo that people are loathed to dispose of.
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